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Yes Leads &
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Home Health Agency


Why You Need This to Grow Your Agency

Quickly and Easily Import YOUR List Of Contacts

Uploading a list of contacts can be extremely frustrating and time-consuming.

That’s why we’ve made sure that you don’t have to go through that!

Grab ANY file with a list of contacts and our system will use sophisticated AI technology to read your data and ready it for upload!

Simply drag your file into our system, map the fields, confirm your field mapping, and BOOM! You’re done.

Automated Message Spinning
Create & Manage Your Own Email Message Templates
Real-Time SMS Chat System
Automated List Scrubbing
Simple Step by Step Training & Support

Need some help or get lost along the way?  We got you with easy-to-follow, step-by-step training videos.  And hey, if you really get stuck and our videos just aren’t cutting it, our knowledgeable and friendly LIVE support team will be standing by ready to assist!

Built-In Simple to Use CRM
Built-In SMTP

Don’t worry, hassle, or stress over having your own email SMTP servers. We got you.

Automated Number Rotation System
Send SMS & Email Messages With 1 Click

Once you have successfully imported a list of contacts and the machine automatically scrubs your data, you can then send a personalized, engaging, 100% legally compliant text to EACH contact.  

The machine will automatically personalize each message while leveraging our built-in message spinning technology to keep the same message from being delivered over and over to multiple different contacts.

Follows All FTC/TCPA Terms & Guidelines

Aside from the fact that every contact that is sent marketing & promotional type text messages from the machine has given explicit PERMISSION for us to do so, there are a few more key elements that make the machine legally compliant:
The Yes Machine is NOT an autodialer. Each TEXT & EMAIL message that is sent out through the machine must be initiated by HUMAN action. 
Built-in safeguards to ensure messages are NEVER sent past 8 PM Eastern. 
Automated & functional opt-out process 
Gathers required explicit permission before sending links or marketing/promotional type messages.

Create & Manage Your Own SMS Message Templates
Quickly & Easily Export Your Qualified Leads to CSV

Click a button and get a beautifully organized CSV file of ALL of your qualified leads!

Automatically Scrubs Out Landlines

There are few things more frustrating than wasting money. Agreed?  Good. That’s why we have automated landline scrubbing as well.  This simply means that any phone number the system detects as being a landline will just be SKIPPED!  This way you avoid having to pay to send a text message to a landline phone.  You’re welcome.

Can’t text a landline… 

Real-Time Stats Via a Simple to Use Dashboard
Real-Time Stats Via a Simple to Use Dashboard